Hartford, Estats Units d'Amèrica, 1928
Chester, Regne Unit, 2007
última actualització
Sol LeWitt va ser una figura clau en el conceptualisme radical que va sorgir als anys seixanta com a reacció a l’expressionisme abstracte nord-americà. Bona part de les seves obres, minimalistes i plantejades com a estudis de geometries, van ser executades per altres persones seguint instruccions de l’artista, convençut que, en l’art, no sols és rellevant el resultat final, sinó tot el procés de producció. 2 Part Piece 221 mostra algunes de les volumetries realitzades amb la figura del cub com a base o unitat mínima. En aquest tipus d’estructures, LeWitt buscava un patró o una relació seqüencial per al quadrat, una cosa semblant a un sistema.
mostrar-ne més
mostrar-ne menys
veure-les totes
[Carpeta "Fondation de la Féderation Interncional des Jeunesses Musicales Marcel Cuvelier - René Nicoly"]
Sol Lewitt : forms derived from a cube : September 8-October 17, 2009
Sol Lewitt : forms derived from a cube : September 8-October 17, 2009
Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt
Flat and glossy black / Sol Lewitt ; [editor: Kaatje Cusse]
100 cubes / Sol LeWitt ; [herausgegeben von = edited by Christina Bechtler, Charlotte von Koerber]
100 cubes / Sol LeWitt ; [herausgegeben von = edited by Christina Bechtler, Charlotte von Koerber]
100 cubes / Sol LeWitt ; [herausgegeben von = edited by Christina Bechtler, Charlotte von Koerber]
Openings series / Sol LeWitt
[Sol Lewitt : bei Konrad Fischer : 16. September - 16. Oktober 1993]
Black gouaches / Sol LeWitt
A cube / Sol Lewitt ; photographed by Carol Huebner ; lighting consultant, Jon Tower
Lines & formes / Sol Lewitt
Lines in two directions and in five colors on five colors with all their combinations, 1981 / Sol Lewitt
Sol Lewitt : four colors and all their combinations arc : Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, 20 février-19 avril 1987
From Monteluco to Spoleto : December 1976 / Sol LeWitt
Lignes en quatre directions et toutes leurs combinaisons / Sol Lewitt
Lignes en quatre directions et toutes leurs combinaisons / Sol Lewitt
Numero 4 [núm. 4]
Isometric drawings / Sol Lewitt
Sol Lewitt: all four part combinations of six geometric figures
Sunrise & sunset at Praiano / Sol LeWitt
Cock fight dance / Sol Lewitt
Six geometric figures and all their double combinations / Sol LeWitt
Geometric figures & color / Sol Lewitt
Geometric figures & color / Sol Lewitt
Geometric figures & color / Sol Lewitt
Five cubes placed on twenty-five squares with either corners or sides touching / Sol LeWitt, 1977 ; [photographs by Akira Hagihara and Jo Watanabe]
Structures : Sol Lewitt : The John Weber Gallery
Squares with sides and corners torn off / Sol Lewitt
Squares with sides and corners torn off / Sol Lewitt
The location of straight, not-straight & broken lines and all their combinations / Sol LeWitt
[Sol Lewitt : incomplete open cubes]
Lines & color / Sol LeWitt
[Sol Lewitt : tre disegni su parete...]
The location of lines / Sol LeWitt
Sol Lewitt : incomplete open cubes : The John Weber Gallery, New York 1974 / [photographs: Akira Hagihara]
All combinations of arcs from four corners, arcs from four sides, straight lines, not-straight lines and broken lines/ Sol Lewitt
All combinations of arcs from four corners, arcs from four sides, straight lines, not-straight lines and broken lines/ Sol Lewitt
Location of three geometric figures / Sol Lewitt
Wall drawings & structures : the location of six geometric figures : variations of incomplete open cubes / Sol Lewitt
Deurle 11/7/73
CAYC : Sol Lewitt en La Plata
Arcs, from corners & sides, circles, & grids and all their combinations / Sol LeWitt
Arcs, from corners & sides, circles, & grids and all their combinations / Sol LeWitt
Seis mil doscientos cincuenta y cinco mil líneas / Sol LeWitt
Four basic kinds of lines & colour / Sol Lewitt
Four basic kinds of straight lines: 1. Vertical. 2. Horizontal. 3. Diagonal l. to r. 4. Diagonal r. to l. and their combinations
[Sol Lewitt : wall drawings opening]
Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris, Lawrence Weiner