
El MACBA, juntament amb el Consorci de Lisboa, amb seu a la Universitat Catòlica de Portugal, i el Departament d’Art i Estudis Culturals de la Universitat de Copenhaguen, forma part del projecte Culture@Work, que es va iniciar el 2013 en els tres països i que duu a terme activitats públiques de diversa índole.

Els objectius del projecte són: aprofundir en perspectives transnacionals sobre la formació basada en la pràctica d’alt nivell dels professionals del sector cultural mitjançant la promoció d’un intercanvi intel·lectual i artístic amb artistes consagrats i emergents; enfortir la transferència de coneixements entre el sud, el centre i el nord d’Europa per tal de reflectir un enfocament europeu divers i alhora coherent per a l’estudi de la cultura; implementar una plataforma sostenible per al diàleg intersectorial, promovent l’organització transnacional de residències artístiques a les institucions d’educació superior i organitzant tallers de formació acadèmica a les institucions culturals associades, a fi d’augmentar i millorar les relacions de treball i interuniversitàries existents.

Com a activitat de cloenda del projecte, el MACBA organitza un seminari internacional centrat en la investigació artística que comptarà amb la participació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i la Universitat de Barcelona.

Col·laboren: Universitat de Barcelona. Grup de recerca Art, Globalització, Interculturalitat / AGI.




Friday April 24th , from 17 to 20h.
Venue. AULA MAGNA, Universitat de Barcelona. 4th floor.
Carrer Montalegre 6, 08001 Barcelona

17h. OPENING SESSION. Welcome by Prof. Anna Maria Guasch. Presentation by Carles Guerra
17:30h. Joana Masó. Space harder. Derrida's claim of (un)saturable
18,15h. Nanna Bonde Thylstrup. The politics of archival assemblages
19h. Panel with Joana Masó and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup. Moderated by Carles Guerra

Saturday April 25th from 10 to 13h. Panels
Venue: MACBA.

Panel 1. Venue MACBA. Aula 0
Performing Spaces

10h. Alexandra Balona. Not all who wander are lost. Benjamin Verdonck's work: from the black box, to the public space, and back again.
10:20h. Ana Dinger. Fish tanks and greenhouses: investigating the architecture of experience.
10:40h. Sarawut Chutiwongpeti. Wishes, Lies and Dreams
11h. Inês Sampaio and Joana Hortas. Are music concerts and institutions all about the music?
11:20h. Questions and discussion moderated by Prof. Anna Maria Guasch

Panel 2. Venue MACBA. Meier Auditorium
Performing Circulation

10h. Ana Cachola. Flagging Critical Practices: The Portuguese flag in contemporary art.
10:20h. Joana Mayer Duarte. De-Colonising Next Future
10:40h. Lydie Delahaye. The inherent artistic potential of archive
11h. Elisa Decet. Transgression
11:20h. Questions and discussion moderated by Carles Guerra

Panel 3. Venue MACBA. Convent dels Àngels Auditorium
Performing Critique

10h.Sofia Lemos. Dusting oneself: the anatomy of research.
10.20h. Dina Campos Lopes. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. I Do
10:40h. Toni Hildebrandt. Illegibility and/or Invisibility: Notes on the Grounds of Inscription
11h. Nina Vurdelja. Autonomous cultural spaces in the conditions of postsocial industrial heritage.
11:20h. Canan Marasligil (Writer in residence in Copenhagen): City in Translation - An exploration of Copenhagen through its languages.
11:40h. Questions and discussion moderated by Daniela Agostinho

13h. Lunch break

Saturday April 25th from 16,30h to 19h.
Venue. MACBA. Meier Auditorium

16:30h. Concluding assembly
17:30h. Eyal Weizman. Forensic architecture: ongoing investigations

Joana Masó is a lecturer on French Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and a researcher at the UNESCO Chair on Women, Development and Culture at the UB. She has translated French authors from the second half of the twentieth century such as Hélène Cixous, Jacques Derrida, Catherine Malabou and Jean-Luc Nancy, and is interested in their relation to art. She is co-editor of the writings on Jacques Derrida, Artes de lo visible (1979-2004), Writings on the Arts of Visibility (1979-2004), and recently his essays on architecture and urban space, Jacques Derrida: Les arts de l’espace. Écrits et interventions sur l’architecture.

Nanna Bonde Thylstrup is working on the politics of mass digitization, with a special focus on cultural memory, territorializations and infrastructures as well as human rights perspectives on information assemblages. She has a particular interest in the effects of privatization and commercialization.

Eyal Weizman is an architect, professor of spatial and visual cultures and director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. Since 2014 he is a global professor at Princeton University. In 2011 he set up Forensic Architecture, a research agency that provides architectural evidence for violations of international law and human rights. In 2007 he set up, with Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti, the architectural collective DAAR in Beit Sahour/Palestine. He has worked with a variety of NGOs world wide and was member of B'Tselem board of directors.